4 Interesting Facts about Azawakh Dogs

The Azawakh breed is an Afro-Asian dog breed named after the Azawakh Valley in the Sahara Desert, where this dog originates. It is a slender and fast hunting dog with a royal presence, proud, loyal and protective of his family and home. Today, it is considered a fairly rare breed, with only a few hundred dogs around the world. 

Breed characteristics: 

  • Life span: 10-12 years

  • Country of origin: Mali

  • Group: Hound

  • Height: 23.5–27.5 inches (female); 25–29 inches (male)

  • Weight: 33–44 pounds (female); 44–55 pounds (male)

  • Temperament: Active, Affectionate, Attentive, Fierce, Refined, Loyal

  • Type: Purebred

  • Alternate names: Idi, Hanshee, Oska, Rawondu, Bareeru, Wulo, Tuareg Sloughi

How do you pronounce Azawakh?

The Azawakh dog comes from the Sahel region of Africa - Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso - a desert area where they traveled with nomadic Tuareg and guarded their tents. Tuareg is an Arabic word meaning "the one cast out of God."

They were not only guarding dogs for the Tuareg people but also hunting dogs and valued companions, being considered a member of the family, and lived in tents with their masters. 

The breed's name is pronounced "oz-a-wok" and comes from the Azawakh Valley, which translates as "Northern Land." The name was officially established in 1982, but even today, there is still a lot of confusion around it. They are also known as "Mali Greyhound," "Sahara Greyhound," and even "Sudanese Hound." 

Experts say that the Azawakh breed has common ancestors with Saluki and Sloughi.

Why are Azawakhs so skinny?

A skinny Azawakh dog is not a sign of malnutrition but more a matter of geometry because this breed is one of the leanest of all Sighthounds.

Azawakh dogs are slender and elegant dogs with rectangular bodies, whose skeleton and muscles are seen under the smooth skin. The hair is short and almost missing on the abdomen. The fur can have brown colors, with spots towards the extremities. All shades are allowed, from very light to dark brown.

Azawakhs have long skinny legs and are very elegant, leaving the general impression of beauty and finesse. The breed has an innate champion character, being a fast, protective dog with an instinct to hunt and guard. Thanks to their long, tall legs and lean body type, they are very fast, reaching an incredible speed of 40 miles/hour, making them excellent for dog running competitions. 

This record speed puts them in the same league as the world's fastest running dog breeds, next to other Greyhound types: the Arabian Greyhound, Spanish Greyhound, Afghan Greyhound, English, and Russian Greyhound. 

Do not forget that this dog breed originates in the arid areas of the Sahara, where temperatures reach extreme degrees. Therefore it adapted itself to the harsh living conditions to survive. 

Are Azawakhs good family dogs?

Azawakh dogs are not the best family dogs, especially for households with small children. Sometimes the agitated play of the little ones can upset them. Especially running children back and forth makes these dogs sometimes react violently. Therefore, they are recommended for homes with older children. 

A few tips:

  • As with all breeds, explain to children how to behave with the dog and constantly monitor the interaction between the dog and young children to avoid bites, ear or tail pulling on both sides.

  • Teach children that they should leave their dogs alone when eating or sleeping and that they should never take food away from them. No matter how friendly it is, no dog should be left unattended in the presence of a child.

When it comes to other household pets, Azawakhs can live amicably with cats or other dogs if they grew up together and have known each other since they were little. Even so, they should not be left unattended together. A dog that gets along well with family animals will not be as courteous as with the neighbor's cat or other small animals from the outside. 

Azawakh dogs have their instincts intact, and when several dogs are living together, hierarchies are established. They accept other dogs, although sometimes they are not very enthusiastic. If in the house, they can be friendly with cats and other smaller dogs, outside the situation changes, and the little friends can be seen as appetizing prey. If you have birds, definitely avoid interaction.

If you are interested in choosing a good family dog, take the following three elements into account:

  • Temperament – look for an agreeable temperament that can become a great companion for kids.

  • Size - Size is oftentimes dependable on temperament and energy level.

  • Energy level – Behavior problems can arise from a dog's lack of energy consumption. Always choose wisely and realistically, knowing your household priorities.

How much is an Azawakh puppy?

This breed is now extremely rare around the world, found more often in Europe and the United States than in its origin land, Africa. 

As there are very few Azawakh dogs existing today – about 500 in the US – this dog breed comes with a high price tag. 

It is considered one of the most expensive dog breeds in the world, with a starting price of $2,000 for a puppy, ranging up to $5,000. 

As with any other expensive rare canine breed, you will not find it for adoption in a typical rescue shelter. 

Final words

Being an extremely reserved dog and suspicious of strangers, the Azawakh needs intense socialization from an early age, perhaps more than other breeds. It is essential to have contact with different people, with different landscapes and sounds and experiences, so that in adulthood, it can be a well-mannered and balanced dog. 

Think carefully before taking a dog of this breed; it is advisable to take them as puppies because the older ones have adaptability problems. There are many cases in which the owners, for various reasons, gave up on them and took them to placement centers. Once removed from the environment with which they are accustomed, dogs have great difficulty adjusting. 

In public or open spaces, never go out with the dog without a leash; their passion to follow all small creatures can have unwanted results.

Lastly, don't forget that Azawakh dogs have an independent nature; therefore, they are not suitable for those who have never had a dog.


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